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Faculty tips: Discovery Layer

Archive of monthly email tips to faculty about library resources.

What is the Discovery Service?

Use Lourdes’ Discovery Service to search most all of our databases using one query to find books, eBooks, articles and more.

The Basic Search Screen lets you create a search with limiters, expanders, and Boolean operators (and, or, not). It will search the full text for your words.

From the results page limit and refine the search to find appropriate articles or books. Users need to think about refining and limiting their results in order to save time and find appropriate resources because the number of results could be in the thousands. From the left side column you can also limit it to Content Provider which includes the names of the databases.

SImilarities: If you are familiar searching in Ebsco  this will be an easy transition since the tools and functions are the same. Another similarity is the option to create a personal account and use folders. (Suggestion: create your account on-campus before accessing it off campus!)

Differences: One difference you will notice in the results: instead of  Locate electronic or print copies of this article via OLinks  you will see Use this icon to see the full text.

Another difference is there is not a thesaurus or subject listing for Discovery because the subjects come from the multiple databases.

 Where is the Discovery Service found? Begin your search in the center of the library home page with <Start your search now>



Example of Result from A to Z Publications search:

This screenshot shows just one result of searching for <leader> in a journal title. Clicking on one of the database links below the journal title will allow you to search within that journal by word or volume and issue.

What you can do:

Become familiar with this type of search. I believe students will be using it more often than a single database because they don't have to CHOOSE a database! It is more like a Google search.

Check out the A to Z Publication Locator at the top of the Discovery Service search page. Search for journals (or books) by title or subjects and the results will show which databases contain those journals or ebooks.

Have a citation and need to find the full text? The A to Z Publication Locator also contains a LInkSource Citation Finder.

Try a search using the Discovery Service:

  Searching:  Discovery Service for Lourdes University